Saturday, October 22, 2011

Did it!

9 miles in 1 hour 37 mins. I'm pretty proud of myself! The last mile was hard, but I was able to push myself. There are a lot of runners out on the path, I'm guessing it is always like that on a Saturday. I have to swallow my ego a bit and be sure to keep my pace. There are runners that pass me and I have energy to try to keep up with them, but if I push myself out of my pace, I will make the run that much harder. So, I just remind myself that I have a long ways to go and just let them go by.

My body feels pretty good. I'm aware of my ankle, but it doesn't hurt. My knees start to ache a bit, but it comes and goes. I also need to beware of chaffing, not a pleasant topic, but even a less pleasant problem. I've heard of things to do to help that. Looks like I need to head to Dick's Sporting Good to grab some runners gear.

Until next run.

Early rising

I am really trying to be dedicated to this running. I have been keeping up with my schedule. I have been following a schedule by Hal Higdon. Apparently, he has run a bunch of marathons and he knows what he is talking about. His schedule came recommended to me by another first time marathon runner who just got done with theirs.

So today, I need to run 9 miles. It will be my farthest run so far. I want to get in the habit of what it will be like the day of the marathon, so I have gotten up early to kind of get the feel. It is 6:10 right now and I'm going to leave in about 20 mins.

I mention that because that means, on a Friday night, I went to bed early (9:30... on a Friday night!) so I could get up early to run. I even missed a ward camp out in Joshua Tree (though, I wouldn't say I'm all too broken up about that).

Alright, I'll check back in after my run.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chronicles of my marathon training

I am going to blog about my marathon training. I have some big ideas about a non-profit organization to raise money for Parkinson's Research. That is my motivation for running. My grandmother has Parkinson's and it will give me something to run for.

Just some quick thoughts on my training so far. I have begun running about 3 miles 3 times a week. I need to pick up the pace and push myself more. Though, the other night was really hard when I ran after eating a bunch of fish tacos.

My ankle hurts when I start, but once I get going, it feels okay. I sprained it really bad about 3 or 4 months ago. I think I did some permanent damage. After, on certain days, it feels stiff, but nothing too serious yet. Maybe when I get up in my milage it will be worse. We will have to see.

Also, I have an ingrown toenail, but I don't want to take care of it until after I do the marathon so I don't loose training time.

This blog is more for me so I can remember my runs and the difficulties and successes I encounter.

Until my next run...

(oh, and my non-profit slogan, for record keeping, "Run for a cause. Run for a cure. Run for it Marty!")